Punto de inicio Badajoz, España Punto final N-630, España
340Km 211.3 millas
8444.7m 4295m / 4150m
18h 53m 18.00 Km/h
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Follow the path of one of the most Ancient routes in Spain and the main transportation road during the Roman era in Spain.

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Publicado por: Extremadura BTT
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The Vía de La Plata (Silver Way), which runs from South to North of Spain (from Seville to Gijón, in the Cantabrian Sea) was one of the main roads that provided transportation in Hispania during the Roman Empire.

A path used over the centuries both by the Arab as well as the Christians during the Middle Ages which has later on continued to play an important role in the transportation network of the Iberian peninsula.

The section of the Vía de la Plata path in Extremadura, running from south to north, starts at Monesterio, passing through Mérida, Cáceres, Plasencia, and ends at Baños de Montemayor.

A route blessed with history, culture and fine cuisine, that mountain bike lovers can do to visit and explore the landmarks of this historical road.

STAGE 1: Monesterio – Zafra

Meadows, oak trees and large fields of crops will be the predominant landscape in this first stage that for 46 km of the route follows the Via de la Plata path.

The path starts at Monesterio and after leaving behind Fuente de Cantos, Calzadilla de los Barros and Puebla de Sancho Pérez, we arrive to Zafra, where the stage ends.

A visit to the historical sites, such as Zafra; explore the cradle of the renowned painter Francisco de Zurbarán, and savour the finest hams of with D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura, are some of the activities that cyclists will be able to enjoy on this visit.

STAGE 2: Zafra – Mérida

The stage starts at the noble town of Zafra, to continue our journey on the Vía path near Santos de Maimona , where its bike trail will lead us to Villafranca de los Barros. At this town one may enjoy a fine wine with D.O. Ribera del Guadiana.

We continue our route until arriving at Mérida, which has a wonderful historical site declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

A 64 km path which allows us to explore the renowned Tierra de Barros wine-producing region.

STAGE 3: Mérida – Cáceres

The 72 km path starts in the capital city of Extremadura Autonomous region, and after leaving it behind on the way to Cáceres, you can take a break to enjoy the natural environment at your disposal at the Cornalvo Natural Park.

We continue to move ahead to our destination, Cáceres, but not before coping with a path filled with constant ups and downs that will allow us to enjoy the beauty of the landscape offered by the Sierra de San Pedro mountain range.

This stage ends in the capital city of Cáceres. Visit its big and well preserved historical centre, declared as a World Heritage site by Unesco; it will for sure impress you.

STAGE 4: Cáceres – Carcaboso

An 81 km route with ups and downs which will start from the monumental city of Cáceres and head towards the northern end of the region, and its route will improve considerably in its last section near to Galisteo. It is a walled municipality and one may enjoy the beautiful panoramic view of the Alagón valley from its castle.

In this stage you may also take a break from the route to explore the streets of the medieval town of Plasencia. This path, upon returning to the Vía de la Plata, ends at Carcaboso.

STAGE 5: Carcaboso – Béjar

A 62 km stage considered to be the hardest of this route for doing on a mountain bike being the most important historical routes. An uphill path that will end in Salamanca province and at some points will pass on the track of the original Roman road, which we will also be able to visit by taking a break to explore the old Roman city of Cáparra.

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Both Cáceres and Badajoz have bicycle renting systems, on Badajoz the system has a fixed timetable from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm everyday, afer this time, you should return your bike in any of the posts availables. Also, you have plenty of stores available where you can rent a bike in case you need it for longer routes.

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Extremadura is a gastronomical and natural paradise that is sure to surprise you. Because a host of recipes inherited from olden times have been passed down from generation to generation to our days, and now delight us with their exquisite flavours.

Upon hearing the word 'ibérico' the first thing that comes to mind is Iberian ham. And it is precisely in Extremadura where one of the best cured hams of the Iberian Peninsula is made, due to the large extension of dehesa, or pasture lands, in the region. The pigs, which have long, fine, muscular legs, are used to running several kilometres in search of acorns every day - a foodstuff which, along with the pasture, gives their meat that singular texture, flavour and fragrance. Like the rest of the cold meats: cured loin, black pudding, chorizo, spiced sausage, blood sausage...

In general, all of Extremadura's gastronomy is top quality. Because who could resist trying one of the region's stews or a dish of migas, chanfaina or zorongollo? Simply, yet very delicious cuisine.

And if we start talking about desserts... A portion of técula mécula, the recipe for which is guarded jealously by the bakery in Olivenza where it is made; arrope (grape concentrate),perrunillas (cookies), bollos de chicharrones (sweets made with pork crackling), hornazos(pies), sapillos or repápalos en leche (fritters)... Because something sweet always goes down well.

And sweet indeed are the region's fruits, starting with the cherries, of which Extremadura is the first producer in Spain and the holder of the "Cereza del Jerte" Denomination of Origin. But it is also an important producer of plums as the region ranks number one in Europe in terms of volume.

The cheeses are important, too, so much so that it is said that in the Middle Ages they were used as currency. The Tortas del Casar, the cheeses of La Serena and Los Ibores, all of which have Denomination of Origin, are famous. And you can also try some of the goat's cheeses from La Raya, a goat's cheese from Gata, from Las Hurdes, from Castiblanco or from La Vera...

And what could be better to wash down these delicacies with than a local wine, from the Ribera del Guadiana Denomination of Origin? Or a pitarra wine. And to finish up, let's drink a toast to your trip with a glass of cava from Almendralejo: to the gastronomy tour of Extremadura you are about to embark on... Welcome to a new world of flavour - of Iberian flavour.

Google Translation

Badajoz has a service of 11 urban bus routes and Cáceres 12 of them which will make you easier you trips around the city. Also, you can take buses on both bus stations that will take you to any town of the region and even the whole country.

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